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Empowering Africa Through our diversified services and products.
Agricultural Courses
Code | Courses | Duration | Cost | Venue |
GWPL/AC1 | Agricultural Extension, Innovations and Training | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC2 | Agriculture: Policy Formulation and Analysis | 5 days | 4500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC3 | Agricultural Policy in Africa | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC4 | Agriculture: Projects Monitoring and Evaluation | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC5 | Agriculture Development and Food Security | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC6 | Agriculture: Marketing & International Trade | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC7 | Agriculture: Production & Trade | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC8 | Agriculture: Project Planning & Management | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC9 | Analysis & Planning of Investment Projects in the Agriculture Sector | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC10 | Strategies for Commodity-Based Export Diversification and Competitiveness | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC11 | Community Food Security and Agriculture Development | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC12 | Community Sustainable Livelihood And Food Security Management | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC13 | Concepts and Tools for Agriculture Value Chain | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC14 | Data Collection & Analysis in Agriculture Sector | 5 days | 4500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC15 | Formulating Project Plans for Value Chain Pilots | 5 days | 4500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC16 | Development of Indicators for Sustainable Agriculture | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC17 | Techniques of ecofarming for smallholdings | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC18 | Environmental Impact Assessment of Agriculture Projects | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC19 | Environmental Monitoring in the Agriculture Sector | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC20 | Farm Planning and Management | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC21 | Field Crop Production for Sustainability | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC22 | Financing Agriculture Projects for Sustainability | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC23 | Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC24 | Food Security and Land Rights | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC25 | Gender Analysis & Sustainability in Agriculture Sector | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC26 | Global Agricultural Value Chains: Sustainable Growth for Sustainable Development | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC27 | Governance in Global Value Chains | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC28 | High Value Agricultural Products for Small scale Markets | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC29 | Horticulture for Food Security | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC30 | Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture Sector | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC31 | Implementing and Sustaining Food Security in Africa | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC32 | Investment Analysis of Agriculture Projects | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC33 | Irrigation Technologies & Methods for Small Scale Farmers | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC34 | Land Policy Development and Poverty Reduction Policy Management | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC35 | Land Policy Formulation, Implementation and Monitoring | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC36 | Land Reform and Food Security | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC37 | Land Resource Conservation | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC38 | Land Tenure and Policy Issues In Land Use Planning | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC40 | Irrigation Projects Management | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC41 | Managing Agriculture Projects for Food Security | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC42 | Managing Donor Funded Projects in Agriculture Sector | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC43 | Mapping Agricultural Value Chain | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC44 | Monitoring and Evaluating Value Chain Pilot Projects | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC45 | Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Development Projects | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC46 | Participatory Extension in Rural Communities | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC47 | Partnerships for Agribusiness Development, Agricultural Trade, and Market Access | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC48 | Pesticides Management for Sustainable Agriculture | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC49 | Private Sector Participation in improving industry performance | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC50 | Procurement for Agriculture Projects | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC51 | Promoting Inclusive Agricultural Value Chains | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC55 | Strategies for increasing value chain competitiveness | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC56 | Strengthening Value Chains to Promote Economic Growth | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC57 | Structure and dynamics of value chains | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC58 | The economics of soil productivity | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC59 | Tools for decision making and action in the agricultural sector | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC60 | Training of Trainers on Land Rights and Land Policy in Africa | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC61 | Understanding the value chain and integrating information into strategy | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC62 | Value Chain Concepts and Applications | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC63 | Value chain framework, economic growth and poverty reduction | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC64 | Women’s Property Rights and Land Tenure Security | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC66 | Introduction to agribusiness and agricultural finance | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC67 | Agricultural finance for nation building | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC68 | Leadership for agriculture development | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC69 | Agricultural and rural development: data management, analysis, and visualization | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC70 | Agricultural policy framework for development | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC71 | Effective management of rural infrastructure for community development | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC72 | Agriculture finance management | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC73 | Agriculture, innovation and technology for sustainable development | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC74 | Agriculture waste management, pollution control and technology | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC75 | Monitoring and assessing agricultural projects based on results | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |
GWPL/AC76 | Intelligent agriculture systems and technologies | 3 days | 3500 | Kenya,Rwanda,Southafrica,Nigeria |